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Airplane Buying System
Part 1: Decision to Buy
How to Use This Course (2:57)
The Financial, Emotional, and Logistical Commitment of Owning an Airplane (7:39)
Buying vs. Renting (or Flying Clubs) (7:39)
Gaining Support From Loved Ones About Owning an Airplane (10:53)
Budget for Buying (14:32)
Screen Share: Airplane Ownership Costs Model (20:42)
Spreadsheet: Airplane Ownership Costs Model
Wisdom From a Father on Airplane Ownership (Feat. Dave Gasmire) (9:13)
Airplane Ownership in the Context of Your Personal Balance Sheet (Feat. Arkos Global Advisors) (32:41)
Part 2: Preparing to Buy
Aircraft Financing (Feat. Scope Aircraft Finance) (22:51)
Pros and Cons of Fractional Ownership (Feat. Dave Gasmire) (10:38)
Which Airplane is Right for You? (11:38)
Screen Share: Using Type Clubs to Help Your Search (5:37)
New vs. Used Airplanes (Feat. Dave Gasmire) (20:09)
Buying a New Airplane From Cessna (Feat. Textron Aviation) (12:17)
Certified vs. Experimental (Feat. Bob Snowden) (10:00)
Researching Specific Model Years and Quirks (Feat. Bob Snowden) (12:48)
What to Look For in Airplane Listings (14:48)
Screen Share: Building Your Own Comparable Model (17:12)
Spreadsheet: Comparable Model
Aircraft Insurance (Feat. Ladd Gardner Aviation Insurance) (36:50)
Part 3: The Buying Process
Using a Buying Agent (Feat. Bob Snowden) (11:03)
Experience Working With Buying Agents (Feat. Dave Gasmire) (11:53)
Buying Process for Piston vs. Turbine or Jet (Feat. JetAviva) (32:04)
Purchasing Your Aircraft Personally vs. With a Legal Entity (Feat. David Norton) (46:51)
Purchasing Step 1: Getting Your Ducks in a Row (Feat. Bob Snowden) (15:42)
Purchasing Step 2: Pursuing a Listing and Pre-Buy Inspection Diligence (Feat. Bob Snowden) (34:08)
Purchasing Step 3: The Mechanics of the Purchase (Feat. Bob Snowden) (17:58)
Sales Tax and Deductibility of Aviation Expenses (Feat. Angel Houck, CPA) (37:00)
Asset Purchase Agreement Template
Part 4: Post-Buy
Getting Training in Your Aircraft (Feat. Dave Gasmire) (20:14)
Finding a Good Mechanic (Feat. Bob Snowden) (14:13)
Maintenance Intervals and Logbooks (11:12)
Digital Logbooks (Feat. PlaneLOGIX) (26:32)
Parting Encouragement
Screen Share: Airplane Ownership Costs Model
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